

Your studies will focus on an introduction to microeconomics. You will learn how individuals, businesses and governments make decisions in a world of scarce resources and unlimited wants. You will study how production and consumption choices are made in a market economy. You will learn to analyze economic fundamentals in supply, demand, costs, response to price changes, and income distribution. Finally, you will gain an understanding of the most common market structures along with their price and output determination in the Canadian economic marketplace.

Business Communications

You will develop fundamental employability skills through study of the principles of communication and active listening techniques. The course content includes development of effective writing skills and formatting. You will apply the principles and skills by writing business messages for positive, negative and persuasive purposes. You will examine ways to apply communication skills to cross-cultural situations. You will learn to apply effective presentation skills when delivering oral presentations and conducting business meetings. You will write short reports.

Organizational Behaviour

You will study human behaviour in organizations and develop the skills needed to deal with people at work. Your studies include content on individual behaviour, values, interpersonal relationships and communications, groups and team dynamics, organizational culture, leadership, and change. You will study these aspects of human behaviour within the context of diverse formal organizations.

Automated Accounting

Using an automated accounting software package, you will learn how to enter transactions into journals (general, purchase, payments, sales, cash receipts and payroll) and ledgers (general, accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll), learn to account for inventory, and learn to prepare banking records. You will also prepare the initial automated accounting setup for use by a company.

Introductory Financial Accounting 2

Your studies will focus on an introduction to financial accounting building on the skills you learned in ACCT 122 (Introductory Financial Accounting I). Your studies include these topics: accounting for property, plant and equipment assets, current and long-term liabilities, partnerships, and corporations. In addition, you will learn to prepare a cash flow statement and perform ratio analysis.

Introductory Financial Accounting 1

Your studies will focus on an introduction to financial accounting designed to provide you with accounting skills to handle business transactions. The course will include bookkeeping techniques, accounting for a merchandising concern and control over cash and receivables. Accounting for payroll is also introduced in this course. ACCT 122 is a companion to ACCT 125 (Introductory Financial Accounting 2) which continues the study of basic financial accounting.

Office Practicum

This three-week work placement with a business firm provides students with a realistic office experience. Workplace attire will be required for work practicums. Enrol and begin in September, November, January or March.

Office Procedures II

In this course office procedures skills are developed to a higher level and the importance and function of secretarial public relations are examined. Students are prepared further for their work in an office and the employment application process. Enrol and begin in September, November, January or March.

Keyboarding Applications

This is a practical course that requires the application of effective writing skills and further develops good keyboarding techniques.  It covers advanced features of words processing and desktop publishing.  Speed and accuracy are emphasized for the production of office documents. This course is a continuation of OA130 and covers advanced features of word processing. Students must achieve a minimum keyboarding requirement of 40 wpm to pass this course. Enrol and begin in September, November, January or March.

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