
Health Assessment and Praxis 1

You will demonstrate, at an introductory level, the assessments and skills associated with the care of adult and geriatric patients. Your experiential learning will provide opportunities to practice your skills and abilities for patients in long term care environments. You will apply the nursing process and principles of patient teaching and practice documentation.

Variations in Health 1

You will begin to apply critical thinking skills, explaining the physiological and psychological health changes of the ageing adult. With guidance, you will apply the nursing process and describe evidence informed practice related to the ageing adult patient. You will describe specific health variations using a systems approach and recognize health promotion strategies in gerontological care.

Foundations 1 - Foundations of Health

You will discuss the metaparadigm of nursing in the context of nursing theories and philosophies. You will describe health determinants, primary health care and health care delivery in Canada. You will discuss law and ethics as they pertain to the nursing profession. You will describe critical thinking and apply key elements of patient safety. You will describe the concepts of culture and ethnicity with a focus on Indigenous and other predominant cultures in Saskatchewan.

Anatomy and Physiology 2

You will continue to study the anatomy and physiology of the human body. You will learn about fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base balance. You will examine structures and functions of the cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems.

Anatomy and Physiology 1

You will study the human body, how it is constructed and how it functions to maintain homeostasis. You will focus on the interaction between the structures of the body cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. You will learn about levels of organization of the human body, cells, and tissues. You will examine integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and sensory systems.

Practicum 2 (ECE)

You will demonstrate your ability to build positive and responsive relationships with children and adults. You will use your observation skills to plan and prepare a culturally relevant emergent curriculum based on children’s interests and family engagement.

Practicum 1 (ECE)

You will use knowledge and skills developed in prerequisite courses to observe and record the behaviour of children, to interact with children and adults in a supportive and positive manner, and to guide children’s behaviour using positive guidance strategies.

Child Guidance 1

You will examine the strategies of developmentally appropriate child guidance. You will learn about the importance of building relationships and establishing trust prior to guiding behaviour. You will practice techniques that support children while encouraging a co-operative attitude, a sense of autonomy and a positive self-image. Your studies will also explore Indigenous traditional practices of modelling and storytelling as a guidance technique.

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