
Child Guidance 1

You will examine the strategies of developmentally appropriate child guidance. You will learn about the importance of building relationships and establishing trust prior to guiding behaviour. You will practice techniques that support children while encouraging a co-operative attitude, a sense of autonomy and a positive self-image. Your studies will also explore Indigenous traditional practices of modelling and storytelling as a guidance technique.

Professionalism 1

You will explore and build employability skills needed to become an effective early childhood educator. You will reflect on and practice supportive behaviours required when working in a diverse environment with colleagues, children and their families and outside professionals. You will learn about knowledge, skills and disposition of a well-qualified early childhood educator.

Dynamics of Play 1

You will learn about the essential role play has in supporting the holistic development of children. The course focuses on the role of the early childhood educator in supporting children’s play, exploration and inquiry across all cultures and abilities.

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

You will study the values, roots and the practices of early childhood education from historical and global perspectives. You will explore the image of the child and the principles of emergent curriculum from a holistic perspective. The course identifies current practices and models which support quality in early learning and care environments. This course will introduce Indigenous philosophies that guide early childhood education.

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