
Student Managed Farm 1

This course introduces the student to the Lakeland College Student Managed Farm and Crop Technology Practicum.  It provides students with basic principles of working in groups in a business environment, and introduces students to some basic professionalism skills. The course also introduces students to field reporting software and more complex Excel computing problem solving. 

Soil Science

Study basic physical, chemical and biological properties of soils to understand how soils function as a growth medium in agriculture. Soil Orders of the Canadian System of Soil Classification relevant to field crop production in Western Canada reviewed.

Pesticide Application Technologies

Provide in-depth study of pesticide spray application equipment commonly used on prairie grain farms. Pesticide legislation, safety, health and environmental considerations covered to assist those interested in pursuing a provincial pesticide applicators license. Application accuracy and efficiency are emphasized, as is safe and responsible use.

Tillage and Direct Seeding Systems

This course covers the related areas of tillage, seeding and fertilizing equipment. Emphasis is placed on systems common to the Western Canadian prairies. Skills are implemented to assist decision-making and problem-solving in common agricultural production situations. Course topics are studied in the classroom, the shop, and in the field if the season permits.

Plant Science and Field Crops

This course introduces the student to basic plant botany and the production of grain and oilseed crops in western Canada. The student studies plant physiology, the major plant parts and their role in plant growth and development. The students discover what the major growth factors are for crops on the prairies and how they can affect these crops. They combine this with specific best practices for the major grain and oilseed crops of western Canada. 

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