
Practicum 2

You will have a second opportunity to acquire extended experience working with human services programs for at risk persons and groups. You will focus on the administration functions that youth care professionals carry out in the workplace. You will learn to develop your leadership, documentation, reporting and project management skills.

Sexual Victimization

You will focus on the scope and characteristics of sexual violence in Canada. You will learn to identify indicators of sexual abuse, the impact on the victim and family and the recovery process. You will study the importance of self-awareness and self-care.

Youth Criminal Justice

You will be introduced to the Canadian criminal justice system. You will explore the history of juvenile justice and will examine the impact of custodial placement on youth in conflict with the law. You will examine sentencing, correctional placement, parole and conditional release for youth and adult offenders. You will be introduced to the roles of police, judges, prosecutors, and defence lawyers working with youth in conflict with the law.

Psychology B

You will continue to examine the scientific examination of human behaviour introduced in PSYC 188, Psychology A. You will study intelligence, cognition and language, motivation and emotion, social psychology personality, health and stress.

Suicide Prevention

You will acquire knowledge and develop skills for suicide prevention and intervention. You will explore personal and community perspectives on suicide. You will identify and assess suicide risk factors, apply suicide intervention techniques, and examine ways to mobilize community support. You will identify suicide prevention and post-vention strategies related to helping individuals and the community.

Culture and Diversity

You will be introduced to the many facets of culture. Your studies will focus on the personal attitudes and values involved in appreciating cultural differences. You will explore multiculturalism in Canadian society and discuss practices that promote acceptance of diversity in society.

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